O Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG) é uma instituição brasileira que oferece educação básica, profissional e superior, de forma "pluricurricular". É uma instituição multicampi, especializada na oferta de educação profissional e tecnológica nas diferentes modalidades de ensino, com base na conjugação de conhecimentos técnicos e tecnológicos às suas práticas pedagógicas. Sua Reitoria está instalada em Belo Horizonte.
DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, and is committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.
DOAJ is committed to keeping its services free of charge, including being indexed, and its data freely available.
IEEE Latin America Transactions is a peer-reviewed, refereed, monthly scientific Journal of IEEE focused on the dissemination of quality research papers and review articles (Reviews) written in English, Spanish or Portuguese in three main areas: Computing, (Electric) Energy and Electronics, papers reporting emerging topics or solving problems of Latin America are preferred. Some of the sub-areas of the journal are, but not limited to: control of systems, communications, instrumentation, artificial intelligence, power and industrial electronics, diagnosis and detection of faults, transportation electrification, internet of things, electrical machines, microwaves, circuits, and systems, biomedicine and biomedical/haptic applications, secure communications, robotics, sensors and actuators, industrial systems, renewable energy (electric), computer networks, smart grids, among others.
Visite a página do periódicoThe IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) publishes research papers that represent major advances in the state-of-the-art in all areas of robotics. The Transactions welcomes original papers that report on any combination of theory, design, experimental studies, analysis, algorithms, and integration and application case studies involving all aspects of robotics.
Visite a página do periódicoISA Transactions is a journal of advances and state-of-the-art in the science and engineering of measurement and automation, of value to leading-edge industrial practitioners and applied researchers.
Visite a página do periódicoJournal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the theory and practice of intelligent systems and robotics.
Focuses on areas such as unmanned systems, robotics and automation, and human-robot interaction.
Includes a dedicated section for Unmanned Systems in every issue.
Aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in all areas of intelligent systems and robotics.
Combines theory, science, engineering, and mathematics to foster future innovations and technologies.
A Revista AdNormas trata de assuntos relacionados a metrologia, normalização e qualidade. Oferece aos profissionais, pesquisadores e estudantes informações de gestão da qualidade, melhoria de processos, ensaios de metrologia, normalização, ferramentas da qualidade, análises estatísticas e técnicas de melhoria de processos.
Visite a página do periódicoA Revista de Ensino de Engenharia é uma publicação em fluxo contínuo da Associação Brasileira de Educação em Engenharia - ABENGE, destinada ao fomento e divulgação da educação em engenharia.
Os artigos publicados pela revista abordam aspectos didático-pedagógicos, científicos, tecnológicos, profissionais, políticos e administrativos concernentes ao ensino e educação em engenharia.
Robotica is a forum for the multidisciplinary subject of robotics and encourages developments, applications and research in this important field of automation and robotics with regard to industry, health, education and economic and social aspects of relevance. Coverage includes activities in hostile environments, applications in the service and manufacturing industries, biological robotics, dynamics and kinematics involved in robot design and uses, on-line robots, robot task planning, rehabilitation robotics, sensory perception, software in the widest sense, particularly in respect of programming languages and links with CAD/CAM systems, telerobotics and various other areas. In addition, interest is focused on various Artificial Intelligence topics of theoretical and practical interest. Emphasis is placed on sound theory and realistic applications of robotics and AI in the general field of automation.
Visite a página do periódicoA Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO é uma biblioteca eletrônica que abrange uma coleção selecionada de periódicos científicos brasileiros. A interface SciELO permite o acesso à coleção de periódicos por meio de uma lista alfabética de títulos ou de uma lista de assuntos ou de um formulário de busca por palavra de títulos de periódicos, nome da editora, cidade de publicação e assunto.
Visite a página do periódicoSwarm Intelligence is the principal peer reviewed publication dedicated to reporting research and new developments in this multidisciplinary field. The journal publishes original research articles and occasional reviews on theoretical, experimental, and practical aspects of swarm intelligence. It offers readers reports on advances in the understanding and utilization of systems that are based on the principles of swarm intelligence.
Emphasis is given to such topics as the modeling and analysis of collective biological systems; application of biological swarm intelligence models to real-world problems; and theoretical and empirical research in ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, swarm robotics, and other swarm intelligence algorithms. Articles often combine experimental and theoretical work.